The Team
A unique mix of skills with years of experience in their respective fields along the solar value chain: design, research, testing, technology and finance. We are committed to providing our clients with the highest level service and support .

Alessandro Virtuani
Alessandro Virtuani is a physicist with 22+ yrs experience in the field of solar PV and renewable energies. He obtained a PhD in Materials Sciences from the University of Milan Bicocca (2004), carrying out is research activity on the optimization of CIGS thin film solar cells/modules at ZSW (Stuttgart). From 2006 to 2009 he was employed as scientific officer at ESTI (European Solar Test Installation) labs (JRC – European Commission, Ispra), and then joined the Swiss PV Module Test Centre of SUPSI (Lugano, 2009-2015). In 2014, he obtained a Global Executive MBA degree from SDA-Bocconi. In 2016, he served as technical advisor to IFC (World Bank group) with an assignment to promote quality & bankable solar rooftop PV projects in Africa. From 2016 he collaborates with the Federal Polytechnical School of Lausanne EPFL (PV-Lab in Neuchâtel) and since 2022 with CSEM (Neuchâtel). He has been involved in several European R&D projects mainly related to device development, performance and reliability testing, energy yield and modelling of PV devices. He has experience with PV module/system technology, with BIPV (Building-Integrated PV) related projects and with technology transfer to industry. With 9 yrs experience in ISO17025-accredited testing laboratories, he has a solid background in metrology. He is author or co-author of 100+ scientific/technical publications and is a member of the EUPVTP (European Innovation & Technology PV Platform) and member of the scientific committee of the EUPVSEC conference.

Luca Morganti
Luca Morganti holds an Environmental Engineering degree from Politecnico of Milano. After experiences in the water treatment sectors for Italian engineering companies, he studied abroad at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), USA, and worked in Tajikistan for an italian NGO. Since 2007 he focused his professional interest on renewable energies and the carbon market: he worked for a swiss company in Zurich and in Beijing, on carbon funds and clean development. Back in Italy in 2013, he became an entrepreneur, by founding REINVENT REINVEST srl, a company offering photovoltaic (PV) installations for privates and small enterprises. After completing an Executive MBA at SDA-Bocconi, Milan, he doubled his work as entrepreneur, by co-founding SOLARTEG srl, a start-up which designs and manufactures innovative solar tiles for building integrated applications. Since 2018 Luca collaborates with multiple PV project developers in Italy and abroad scouting and targeting developments of C&I and utility-scale PV projects. His participation in oSole represents a natural addition to his work in the PV sector, as an expansion into consulting, testing and R&D services in addition to PV installations and PV product development.

Luca Parini
Luca Parini is an aerospace engineer (MSc, Politecnico di Milano), certified CertING in Energy from the Milan order of engineers (ISO9712 Certification - Thermographic Operator Level 2 – RINA; Certificate Level 1 Thermographer - ITC - Infrared Training Center Stockholm Sweden). He is an experienced engineer in solar PV, energy efficiency and renewables (i.e. biogas, solar PV and thermal, etc.). Since 2009 he is a professional responsible for the design, installation and commissioning of various commercial & industrial and residential PV plants. He is the founder and managing director of i-Energia srls founded in 2013 to provide technical, O&M, and administrative assistance to PV plant owners. i-Energia has grown ever since expanding its business offer to innovative installations integrating different energy-efficiency systems in the built environment, and asset manager activities of PV portfolios. Since 2014 he designs, installs and integrates storage solutions. His profile is characterized by both solid technical know-how and theoretical knowledge complemented by strong design and new-technology scouting skills.